We Tech Those! (1.1.4)

Oh, boy my spaghetti code is really getting to me... Made some fixes to really outdated code which should make things slightly more streamlined. Also, doing UI sucks lol

============= New Tech (Technique)============

Kiji reflect: Reflect bullet in one direction, and while still in reflect radius immediately reflect again in another direction. You’ll hear a special sound effect. The bullet will reflect faster than normal and have +1 damage for a short time. The new direction must be at least 35 degrees or more. If the angle is too small the tech won't work and you'll hear a fail sfx(temporary). 

============= Gold Mechanics ===========

Changed gold spawning rate. You should be able to collect slightly more gold than before.

Revamped backend gold spawning system (Should fix many bugs relating to gold)

Gold should not spawn at the same location twice in a row now

Gold will turn red for a short period before disappearing (Like bullet)

============= UI ===================

Added fps viewer + menu toggle

Fixed issue where screen would be dim if returning to main menu during transition

Added main menu confirm in pause menu

============= Misc =============

Implemented fix for clipping out of bounds hopefully lol

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